Credibility is Key

Credibility is Key
Credibility is Key Credibility is one of the most important characteristics that an entrepreneur can hope to possess; do everything in your power to develop, demonstrate, and defend it. Keep your commitments, maintain trustworthiness, and prove that you are worth doing business with. Once your credibility is diminished, it can be very difficult to regain!

HOAs Gone Haywire: Part II

HOAs Gone Haywire: Part II
It’s official: my latest blog post is now live on The Huffington Post!  While Part I of my HOAs Gone Haywire series featured information designed to make the most of an average resident’s experience living in a Homeowners’ or Condominium Owners’ Association, Part II is directed at those entrusted to make important decisions on behalf of their neighbors: the all-powerful Board...

Entitlement in Business

Entitlement in Business
Entitlement in Business As Dr. Steve Maraboli, author of Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience, says, “It’s a quick transition from a nourishing sense of gratitude to a poisonous sense of entitlement.” The biggest lesson I’ve learned is that anyone who believes that everyone owes them something is a fool. This feeling can overtake you as you...

All Confidence and No Capital

All Confidence and No Capital
All Confidence and No Capital Starting a business is incredibly stressful, and you have to be on top of your game if you wish to succeed. Having solid financial backing isn’t just important logistically—it’s important to be properly bankrolled psychologically as well.  When you try to launch a concept with little (or no) money, you...