Great Leaders Inspire

Great Leaders Inspire
Great Leaders Inspire Let’s be frank, not all leaders are able to inspire their teams to reach success. If you hire someone to do a job, you should be able to trust them to do it well and to the best of their abilities — not by explaining every detail of every task. Inspired team members are...

An Open Mind…

An Open Mind…
An Open Mind Having a closed mind — to new ideas, thoughts, and opportunities — is a sure-fire way to limit the growth of your business. Consider this: when faced with an idea that doesn’t follow the path you might typically take, do you immediately shut it down mentally? Instead, allow it to challenge you! Making a...

Innovation in Leadership

Innovation in Leadership
Innovation in Leadership While you can’t plan for innovation, you can create a culture that supports it.  Engaging with your staff, sitting down to brainstorm regularly, and communicating openly with your team will help you towards this goal. How much time do you spend pushing the boundaries of your imagination? Whether you’re an LCAM looking...

Framing Your Challenges

Framing Your Challenges
Framing Your Challenges Unexpected problems arise and are always going to be a part of life (and of owning a business) so remember that how you mentally frame a challenge can help determine how it will be overcome. As an entrepreneur, you’ll be generating creative ideas to problem solve with the goal to elevate your business; by taking time to thoughtfully and purposefully consider...