It’s Here! HOAs Gone Haywire, Part IV: Decoding Your CC&Rs

Decoding Your CC&Rs

Do YOU Know What Your CC&Rs Say?

Reading a typical set of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (or CC&Rs) is about as fun as the name makes it out to be. These documents, which homeowners must automatically abide by when they purchase property in an Association-managed community, can run well over a hundred pages and be full of enough legalese to make even the most micro-managing Type A homeowner want to give it a quick skim, put it down, check their Facebook and hope for the best.

My newest blog for The Huffington Post was written to decode the CC&Rs that govern Associations across the nation. By breaking down the traditional areas of the document in plain English, I aim to help the average homeowner understand the key takeaways and most important points of the declaration, as well as why it exists in the first place.

I invite you to read the article here and share with your homeowners and colleagues!

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